Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Keep the change!

Is it me, or do the NPR correspondents sound a little giddy tonight?

I swear they change the voting technology in CA every other election. They had some paper system today where I had to fill out an arrow next to my vote, and then feed it into a giant reader machine. For the past two we had the Diebold machines. Frankly, I kinda like Electronic voting. It's just unbelievable how many problems there are with it.


K-Lyn said...

May I recommend the vote-by-mail we got going up north of you? I can't recommend it enough. You have several weeks to fit it into your schedule, you can take time with the voters pamphlet to become informed as you make your choices, and filling in little bubbles doesn't produce hanging chads or require electricity. It also leaves us with concrete paper forms for a recount. I dig.

burnowt said...

I gotta admit I kinda like the little ritual of going to the polls in person. Especially with the controversy over voting technology, it's interesting to try this stuff out in person.

Is vote-by-mail different from absentee?

K-Lyn said...

I imagine it is very much the same. Our whole state does it though. You still have to go drop them off at the official locations so there is still some ritual but the locations are open for more than just that day.

I was invited to 4 different voting parties..But I'm not sure you should drink and vote...

burnowt said...

Yeah, it kinda bothered me too, and frankly felt kind of backwards. I don't think electronic voting is inherently a bad idea.

How's this: a machine that let's us push nice, clear buttons and then gives us a nice printout that will be the actual ballot that we turn in?