Sunday, July 08, 2007

New Digs

I'll try to get something together about the TW trip, but in a nutshell it wasn't terribly eventful, though I had a good time over in HK. I've been back for over a week now and have been mostly trying to make my new apartment semi-presentable. Thought I'd post up a few pics.

I was wrong when I told people it's four to five houses from Pac Wushu. It's actually TWO houses and a street. In the picture above, the foreground is, well, tenth street, but in the mid ground is the apartment, and in the background is Pac Wushu. I can't really say I'll be training there more often, though, since my schedule usually doesn't let me out in time to get to class on time. But I'm sure it'll be handy for various other reasons.

Here's the living room. In glorious high definition you can see the A's getting their asses handed to them by the M's. I still need to bring my fish tank over, no small task.

The bedroom. Furnished by Ikea, more or less.

The kitchen is pretty scrappy. I had to do a lot of work fixing the pipes on the sink -- it's absolutely amazing what passed for 'repairs' by the previous tenant. Basically, instead of buying a $2 slip nut that had broken, the guy layered on about 2 inches worth of caulk to try to 'glue' some pipes back together. Naturally, that didn't work.

I'm not much of a chef, so besides getting a microwave, I haven't felt too much pressure to improve much on the kitchen. I'm still tempted to get a new stove and fridge, though. What's there is old and not working terribly well.

Bathroom still needs some new paint, so no pics yet.

I wish I had taken pics of the place before I started. Across weekends and whatever spare time I could manage, I tore out the old, dirty, smelly carpet, stripped and re-finished the floors (though they probably should be replaced), and repainted all the walls (the Moms helped on some of that). There was all kinds of junk and furniture in there that was in no condition for me to use.

It is a rental, so it may sound odd that I've put so much work into it, but the thing is, the rent really is so absurdly cheap that I figured I'd eat the cost and 'sweat equity' to turn it into something I'd actually enjoy living in. Folks have been living in that place for over thirty years, and I could see myself spending quite some time here as I save up to get my own place.


K-Lyn said...

In glorious high definition you can see the A's getting their asses handed to them by the M's

As an M's fan I could rub that in but you did such a nice job on your own that I won't. So I ask instead...What was Blanton thinking???

burnowt said...

I was doing work around the house, so I missed the actual event when it happened -- I just came back to find us back by about 4 or so.

Blanton's the guy with the tough luck, it seems. He pitches stellar games but loses because the A's don't score, and the one time they do he has a meltdown like that.

BTW, send my regards to yer Putz reliever for making the All-Star game just a bit *too* exciting at the end!

Unknown said...

Yay for previous-tenant pseudo-repairs. At our house the pipe was also "fixed" with caulk and it decided to finally break shortly after we moved in. During a holiday.

Anonymous said...

When's the housewarming?


What is flora? said...

What a nice renter you are! Nice place though!